
How to install Flowshot

Updated on May 10, 2023

Flowshot can be installed from the Google Workspace Marketplace or from any spreadsheet through the top menu bar.

For frequently asked questions about installation, head to the end of this article for more information.

Install from Google Workspace Marketplace

We recommend installing Flowshot through the Google Workspace Marketplace.

1. Install Flowshot

Go to the Google Workspace Marketplace and click Install.

How to install Flowshot 1

2. Go to Google Sheets

Head to Google Sheets and open a new or existing spreadsheet. Click on ExtensionsAI in Sheets | FlowshotOpen sidebar.

How to install Flowshot 3

3. Try out Flowshot

Follow the instructions in the sidebar, or copy/paste this formula in cell A1 to see how Flowshot works: =AI("Write me a funny joke")

Install from Google Sheets

Alternatively, you can install Flowshot from within Google Sheets.

1. Open extensions

Navigate to ExtensionsAdd-onsGet add-ons.

2. Search for Flowshot

Search for "Flowshot" in the search bar and click on the top result:

How to install Flowshot 9

3. Install Flowshot

Click Install and follow the prompts.

How to install Flowshot 1

4. Open Flowshot

Once installed, click on ExtensionsAI in Sheets | FlowshotOpen sidebar.

How to install Flowshot 3

5. Try out Flowshot

Follow the instructions in the sidebar, or copy/paste this formula in cell A1 to see how Flowshot works: =AI("Write me a funny joke")

Common issues

Here are common issues and their fixes:

Multiple accounts detected

View the documentation on multiple Google accounts detected error and how to fix it.

Try Flowshot for free

View on Google Marketplace
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Something new is on the way!

We're re-launching Flowshot at the end of January with a revamped new look and performance upgrades! Sign up to be notified when we go live 🚀
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