Explore Flowshot for free.
Start your automation journey at 0.009 cents per word.
Bump up your word count at 0.007 cents per word.
Go pro at 0.005 cents per word. Need more? Talk to us!
These are the words that are generated after clicking the "Generate" button. The examples that you provide don't count, so you can use as many as you like — the more, the better!
No, it's not. While GPT-3 is fantastic, we've built our own language model tech stack that's faster, cheaper, and more specialized. It's even more environmentally friendly!
Head to the Google Workspace Marketplace to install Flowshot to your Google account. You'll then see Flowshot in your Google Sheets documents in the toolbar under "Extensions".
For more detailed instructions, read our guide on how to install Flowshot.